BagelDog Sample Pack

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New softer bagel dough, now with a Beef Frank. This variety sample of each of the BagelDogs brings together two traditional tastes the way only Vienna Beef can.

  • 1 individually wrapped Vienna® Beef Frank BagelDog (5.5 oz. each)
  • 1 individually wrapped Vienna® Polish Sausage BagelDog (5.5 oz. each)
  • This item is meant to be in a promotional pack and should not be purchased separately.


New softer bagel dough, now with a Beef Frank. This variety sample of each of the BagelDogs brings together two traditional tastes the way only Vienna Beef can.

  • 1 individually wrapped Vienna® Beef Frank BagelDog (5.5 oz. each)
  • 1 individually wrapped Vienna® Polish Sausage BagelDog (5.5 oz. each)
  • This item is meant to be in a promotional pack and should not be purchased separately.